Category... Arts & CultureChamber MeetingsChamber Of CommerceClubs/OrganizationsCommunity ServicesContinuing EducationFestivals & CelebrationsGovernmentHolidayRecreation & SportsRibbon CuttingsSchools January February March April May June July August September October November December Search Results Found: 59 Button group with nested dropdown June 2020 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 31 1 Rotary Meeting 2 Drive-thru pain relief event at New Life Chamber Business Luncheon Virtual June 2020 3 Drive-thru pain relief event at New Life Virtual Public Workshop on City Sign Code Update Canceled - Concerts at the Portage 4 Portage Farmer's Market Lunch at the Elks Lodge 5 Virtual - Art that Blooms at PCA 6 Canceled - Program at Museum at the Portage Canceled - Living History at Historic Indian Agency House Virtual - Art that Blooms at PCA Canceled - Canal Days 2020 Canceled - Divine Savior Healthcare Run/Walk Opening Day Book Signing at Agency House Postponed - Downtown Walking Tour Canceled - FWSQ Wisconsin Territory Day 7 Canceled - Living History at Historic Indian Agency House Canceled - Portage Elks Lodge Kids Fisheree 8 Rotary Meeting 9 10 Virtual - Art that Blooms at PCA Postponed - Chamber Golf Outing - 2020 Canceled - Concerts at the Portage 11 Citywide Garage Sales Virtual - Art that Blooms at PCA Portage Farmer's Market DSH Blood Drive Lunch at the Elks Lodge 12 Citywide Garage Sales DSH Blood Drive Virtual - Art that Blooms at PCA 13 Citywide Garage Sales Postponed - Historic Indian Agency House Community Archaeology Dig Virtual - Art that Blooms at PCA Canceled - Portage City Flea Market 14 Postponed - Historic Indian Agency House Community Archaeology Dig Flag Day Celebration at the Elks Lodge 15 Rotary Meeting 16 17 Virtual - Art that Blooms at PCA Summer Dance Camps at Laura's School of Dance World Elder Abuse Day Canceled - Concerts at the Portage 18 Summer Dance Camps at Laura's School of Dance Virtual - Art that Blooms at PCA Portage Farmer's Market Portage United Way Brat Fry Lunch at the Elks Lodge 19 Virtual - Art that Blooms at PCA 20 Postponed - Historic Indian Agency House Community Archaeology Dig Virtual - Art that Blooms at PCA 21 Postponed - Historic Indian Agency House Community Archaeology Dig Farewell Drive-By for Pastor Tom 22 Rotary Meeting 23 24 Virtual - Art that Blooms at PCA Canceled - Endeavor Sharing Supper Canceled - Concerts at the Portage 25 Virtual - Art that Blooms at PCA Portage Farmer's Market Lunch at the Elks Lodge 26 Virtual - Art that Blooms at PCA 27 Virtual - Art that Blooms at PCA Red Carpet Event at Revita Dance Festival Foods Fireworks Celebration 28 29 Rotary Meeting Canceled - Portage Sharing Supper at Wayne Bartels Middle School 30 FREE Online Back Pain Workshop New Life Physical Therapy 1 2 3 4