Membership provides you with an additional means to reach Community Leaders and has proven tools to increase your business exposure to other members, potential new businesses in Portage and of course visitors to Portage. The Chamber helps businesses meet new clients, access workshops, gain new customers through referrals and provides opportunities to increase their knowledge about business opportunities, strategies and marketing concepts.

Step 1:

Member Info
Please add your company name.
Please add your company phone number.
Please add a valid email.
Physical Address
Please add your address.
Please add your country.
Please add your City.
Please add your State.
Please add your Postal Code.
Mailing Address
Please add your address.
Please add your country.
Please add your City.
Please add your State.
Please add your Postal Code.

Step 2:

Additional Info
Please add your company description.
Please select a directory category.
Please add your number of full-time employees.
Please add your number of part-time employees.

Step 3:

Primary Contact
Please add your first name.
Please add your last name.
Please add your phone number.
Please add a valid email.

Contact Preference

Social Network Addresses
Create Account
Please add your login password.

Step 4:

Billing Contact
Please add your first name.
Please add your last name.
Please add your phone number.
Please add a valid email.

Contact Preference

Social Network Addresses
Create Account
Please add your login password.

Step 5:

Membership Package
Please select a Membership Package
Additional Options:
Payment Option
Please complete the Captcha