The Portage FFA Alumni will be hosting their annual Chicken Barbecue at Portage High School on Sunday, October 18th. The Chicken barbecue will be held at Portage High School, near the Autoshop, on Sunday, October 18th from 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, this year’s barbecue will be a drive-up event. Community members may drive up and purchase their meals. Meals will cost $12 for a half-chicken plus sides and $10 for a quarter-chicken plus sides. Meals will then be delivered directly to your car. All proceeds from the barbecue are used by Alumni members to provide scholarships to area FFA members in pursuit of 2 and 4 year degrees.
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
October 18th, 2020 - 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Portage High School - 301 E Collins Street, Portage, WI 5390 Meals will cost $12 for a half-chicken plus sides and $10 for a quarter-chicken plus sides.
Joshua Capodarco Date and Time
11:00 AM - 2:00 PM CDT
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